Emotional and Mental Health
The Heart is given the charge of Lord and Master. The luminous radiance of the spirits proceeds from there…..
Suwen , Chapter 8.
Thousands of years ago, the Chinese knew that the Heart is so much more than its physiology - they always saw a Heart within the heart - but the the spirit of the Heart , the Shen, was considered most sacred , and always needed to be looked after for true healing to take place whether that be on a mental, emotional or physical level. Key to this was to make sure that emotions did not accrue in the heart - whether those be Sadness/Grief, Oppression (guilt), Overthinking, Anger, Fear, or even Elation ( Excess Joy) , All emotion has to flow in and out - we have to feel all emotions and not get stuck in one.
Many people who come to see me for emotional and mental health reasons do so because they are still stuck , even though they are working hard with counselling, relaxation and cognitive techniques. Or it might be that they don’t quite feel like ‘talking it out’ or haven’t yet got the motivation to engage with self help tools. In other words, the Heart for whatever reason, is still saying a big ‘No - please don’t get too close, it’s too difficult at the moment.’
So , what acupuncture does is to create an energetic shift within you which settles the heart, calms the mind, allows you to feel more relaxed, better able to cope - or more in your shoes so you can move a step on in your life . This, in contrast to feeling emotionally stuck , living in the past not the present, or feeling like you are not thriving , or your life force all spent out.
This area of my work is very close to my heart. I would say it is our absolute birth right, whatever our situation, to be able to embrace our own best life, whatever that may be. People who suffer from emotional and/or mental health problems cannot always do this for a whole variety of reasons. I am always completely respectful of the Heart, in all its silence or vulnerability - you won’t have to wear your Heart on your sleeve unless you want to - and if you do, I will hold that space for you. We can let the acupuncture do the work :)
One of my patients summed it up very well when she said 'depression is the only illness I know which takes away your will to get better'. People who have traditional acupuncture find that their will is gradually restored and they feel more motivated. Feelings of anxiety or stress can diminish and sleep returns. The range of emotional and mental health problems that can be helped by traditional acupuncture range from stress and anxiety and across the depression spectrum. You can have acupuncture in conjunction with other forms of support and with medication.I am also always supportive of patient choice, and will work alongside other therapists or doctors. Acupuncture can serve as a bridge for withdrawing from anti-depressants under your doctor's supervision.